Error Fixes When Running Atlassian Forge Create

Error Fixes When Running Atlassian Forge Create

Atlassian Forge is a powerful platform for building, hosting and deploying cloud applications within the Atlassian ecosystem. With its rich set of APIs, Forge simplifies the development process, allowing developers to focus on building innovative applications that extend the functionality of Atlassian products.

In this blog post, we will discuss two errors experienced when running forge create.

Platform Details

  • Windows 11

  • WSL2 (Ubuntu)

  • Atlassian JIRA (Test)

Error #1

Error: Keytar error detected: Cannot spawn a message bus without a machine-id: Invalid machine ID in /var/lib/dbus/machine-id or /etc/machine-id

Cannot spawn a message bus without a machine-id

As you can see from the screenshot, do the following steps:

  1. rm /etc/machine-id

  2. sudo systemd-machine-id-setup

    Check this page for more details on systemd-machine-id-setup.

Error #2

Error: Keytar error detected: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files. Something went wrong while accessing Secret Service API.

As you can see from the screenshot, do the following steps:

  1. sudo apt install gnome-keytring

  2. forge create

    Check about Gnome Keyring for more details.

Hope this is helpful.